The Merling Trio Mini-Class

The Merling Trio Mini-Class

On October 28th, the Merling Trio of Western Michigan University plus Tom Knific on bass, performed a Gershwin medley for the entire Atlanta Symphony Youth Orchestra and spoke to them about the value of chamber music study. Also on the short program was a portion of the Dvorak Piano Quintet played by our own Franklin Pond students of the Cincopation Quartet: Ava Posner, Harriet Skowronek, Lucy Gelber, Jordan Leslie, and Nicholas Lin. Bravo to them on short notice! The Merling Trio (quartet) will return in February for a full masterclass for all the Franklin Pond groups.

Bruce Uchimura, the cellist of the trio, was one of the judges for last year’s Chamber Music Competition. The Trio will be performing a full concert on October 29th at 4:00 PM in Roswell United Methodist Church.
