Support Franklin Pond

FPCM is a 501(c)3 non-profit educational institution. Every dollar you donate goes directly toward the musical education of Georgia's students. It is the continued support of our community that ensures our success in years to come, and we appreciate you!

Please note that PayPal holds 2.9% of your donation for transaction fees.

To make a donation via personal check, please make your check out to Franklin Pond Chamber Music and send it to 4835 Franklin Pond NE, Atlanta, GA 30342. Include your contact information with your check so we can receipt your donation.


Mark your calendars: December 3 is #GivingTuesday!

Giving Tuesday is a special event that happens anually on the Tuesday after Black-Friday and Cyber-Monday.  Join other philanthropic Georgians and donate to Franklin Pond this December 3rd.