Upcoming Deadline: “Fall into Spring”

We are excited about our upcoming Franklin Pond Fall Into Spring program.
**Applications still accepted**September 10: Application deadline for our Fall into Spring program which takes place during the school year.
Teachers and Directors, please read!
From Ronda Respess:
We are still accepting applications for our Fall Into Spring program IN YOUR COMMUNITY.*
It was brought to my attention today that many people do not understand how our Fall Into Spring program works. It is VERY different from our well-known Summer program and much more flexible. After students audition, we put them in groups and assign a coach that matches the personality of the group. When deciding on groups and coaches we take into consideration the part of town students live in, along with their level of ability. The group and the coach then decide WHEN and WHERE the rehearsals and coaching sessions will be. They could be at a student’s house, a church, a school, after a youth orchestra rehearsal, etc. They are NOT at the Pond (unless arranged) during this program. We can also form advanced string groups including bass, clarinet, oboe, and harp.
We do have two masterclasses and a final concert for the year when everyone gets together, one of them being MLK Day along with the Teachers’ Workshop as we did last year. For that class we have Melissa Kraut from Cleveland Institute of Music coming.
We would also love to enroll groups from one school and work with them so they could be featured at their school and be well-prepared to play at school functions. There are 8-10 coaching sessions planned for the full school year, October through the beginning of May, and groups are required to have at least one rehearsal between coaching sessions. With this method of organization, we are not limited to a set number of groups and will try to place everyone who applies, providing we have students that fit together well in a group.
*We have a ½ year program, especially for juniors and seniors who can’t do it the whole year.
SO……the more students that apply, the more chance they can be put in a group in their community. It is a great activity for friends who are in the same school or live in the same area. Please pass this on to your students and don’t let them miss this opportunity! Scholarships are available.