Franklin Pond Quartet @ Eddie’s Attic
Keep an eye on our friends at Eddie’s Attic. They have started a classical evening once a month and many of our colleagues will be playing there in the future. The Franklin Pond Quartet had a wonderful time, as did the patrons at Eddie’s Attic when they played there Wednesday, November 28th. You can read more about it in Mark Gresham’s review at’s-attic-engaging-franklin-pond-quartet/.
The Quartet played a wonderful piece written by Franklin Pond alumus Sam Viguerie called “Bharatanatyam” that he introduced to us last summer. Sam is a 17-year-old senior at Woodward Academy and plans to major in performance (maybe composition too?) in college next year.
Please support Eddie’s Attic’s venture. It helps bring classical music closer to the general public and it’s a great place to spend a relaxing and rewarding evening of good music, food, and drink.