Fall Into Spring Program


Fall Into Spring

September – May
Grades 6 – 12
Application Deadline: August 15
Tuition: $1,200


Lachlan McBane, Manager of Fall Into Spring

Program Offerings

Fall Into Spring runs October through May. During this time, students will receive a minimum of:

  • 8 coaching sessions with faculty from the Atlanta Symphony and Atlanta Opera
  • 2 master classes with nationally recognized distinguished artists
  • 2 live performance opportunities in a formal and informal setting

Additional coachings, master classes, and performance opportunities are available for groups exhibiting consistent rehearsal practices and marked improvement.


Fall Into Spring is open to students in grades 6-12. Although the program focuses primarily on string players and pianists and the broad repertoire that is available for those instruments, non-string players are welcome and encouraged to apply. Franklin Pond will do everything possible to place all accepted students into a group with matched ability and temperament. Pre-formed groups, both string and non-string, are encouraged to apply.  Email Fall Into Spring Manager Lachlan McBane with any questions regarding eligibility.


Click here for the 2024-2025 schedule

Scheduling for rehearsals and coachings is flexible and intended to fit around other student and family activities. Each group will make its own arrangements for the date/time/place of coachings and rehearsals, with Fall Into Spring Manager Lachlan McBane helping facilitate scheduling. A minimum of 3 hours of group rehearsal is required between each coaching session, and students must also practice their own parts individually.


Every group will receive at least 8 coachings from the Franklin Pond faculty, who are members of the Atlanta Symphony or The Atlanta Opera. Groups will work with at least 2 different coaches throughout the year so they can benefit from multiple musical perspectives.


Each group will have multiple opportunities to play for the distinguished masterclass artists, unless a group is ill-prepared and under-performing. All students are required to attend every masterclass unless a family conflict cannot be changed. Best efforts will be made by Franklin Pond to schedule the masterclasses when students are most readily available. All masterclasses will take place in Kellett Chapel at Peachtree Church (3434 Roswell Road, Atlanta) unless otherwise indicated

2024-2025 Masterclass Artists:


2023-2024 Masterclass Artists:

Sergiu Schwartz Masterclass


The Fall Into Spring Finale Concert occurs on the last Sunday of April or first Sunday of May, depending on the calendar.  Click here for information about this year's Finale Concert. There are also various performance opportunities throughout winter and spring.  Performance opportunities are based on each ensemble's preparedness and commitment to a regular rehearsal schedule.

Fall Into Spring News

Applications for Fall Into Spring 2022-2023 are due on September 1. Fall Into Spring runs October through May. During this
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Franklin Pond Chamber Music, in collaboration with the Atlanta Symphony Youth Orchestra’s Chamber Players, will perform an impressive collection of
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