Summer Finale!
Tired as everyone was from the wonderful Jekyll weekend, students and faculty showed up at Kellett Chapel the next day for a dress rehearsal and were excited and primed to play a stellar final concert that evening. It was a special evening. The student groups and the Franklin Pond Quartet were at the top of their game and the audience of over 200 was appreciative and supportive. Everyone enjoyed the compliments and feelings of success at the reception afterwards. Thank you to Lane Coe and all our wonderful and talented parents for a king’s fare! The concert was dedicated to Wolfgang Laufer, a superb cellist, member of the Fine Arts Quartet, and father of our faculty cellist Danny Laufer who passed away unexpectedly last May. He was a good friend and supporter of Franklin Pond and was scheduled to be one of our master class artists this summer. He will be sorely missed. Before the last piece on the concert Jun-Ching Lin came to the front of the stage and announced that the faculty was funding a scholarship in honor of Wolfie. Then all the students and faculty (and Ronda) came to the stage to accompany cello soloist Danny Laufer in “Song of the Birds” (Casals), the last piece Wofie heard Danny play in public. It was indeed a memorable evening for all.